速報APP / 遊戲 / Prehistoric Blocks - Frozen, Crush & Exp

Prehistoric Blocks - Frozen, Crush & Exp





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:ul. Grzegórzecka 95/1 31-559 Kraków POLAND

Prehistoric Blocks - Frozen, Crush & Explode(圖1)-速報App

Go back in time with Ted and play the oldest game in the world. Prehistoric Blocks is a free game, where you shoot rock solid-bricks with the help of a variety of projectiles.

Activate the gun and shoot the rock-solid blocks. It’s worth it because:

• Hidden surprises and awards

• You collect magical totems with bonuses

Prehistoric Blocks - Frozen, Crush & Explode(圖2)-速報App

• A wide variety of buttons

• Simple navigation

• A variety of add-ons

• The counter will say exactly, how many blocks you’ve shot

Prehistoric Blocks - Frozen, Crush & Explode(圖3)-速報App

Just as a real ancient man, you will feel the true fun of crushing the rocks:

• You add your friends to the game

• Great music and special effects

• Colorful interface

Prehistoric Blocks - Frozen, Crush & Explode(圖4)-速報App

• Super-hero – Ted

• Unique nature of the game

• You shoot the bricks with just one finger

•The strategy depends on your call

Prehistoric Blocks - Frozen, Crush & Explode(圖5)-速報App

If you have thought about playing, you should try, it’s the right moment. Download Prehistoric Block and begin your journey.

Gamers praise Prehistoric Blocks!


„New interface giving you the Chance to select bullets is very convenient. Keep i tup!”

Prehistoric Blocks - Frozen, Crush & Explode(圖6)-速報App


„Fantastic! It’s been a while since I’ve played one game for so long. It absorbs you 100%”


„This game is for real fans of arcade games. I play everyday”

Prehistoric Blocks - Frozen, Crush & Explode(圖7)-速報App

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